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Extra Stuff


Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree

Scene 1
Your Honey Pot takes off with the classic Winnie the Pooh melody "Up, Down, Touch the Ground" playing in the background as you enter Pooh's House, where Pooh is standing in front of his mirror trying to touch his toes and talking to his reflection in the mirror and empty jars of honey laying around the floor.

Pooh: Oh time for something sweet...oh bother empty again...only the sticky part's left.

As you leave Pooh's house you enter the Hundred Acre Wood where your dark ride vehicles can move by themselves throughout the landscape as the Sherman Brothers "Winnie the Pooh" instrumental theme plays and other audio animatronic characters pop out.

From his door, Piglet says "Pooh look, I found a Honey Tree!"

Tending to his garden on the opposite side, Rabbit announces, "Don't climb that tree, there's bees up there."

Owl then chimes in from his treehouse, "Bees, never heard of such kind creatures"

As your vehicles turn throughout the Hundred Acre Wood in a 360 degree landscape, you approach the scene transition and see Pooh flying with a balloon up into the Honey Tree.

Scene 2
Pooh ends up stuck face first into the tree as the wind starts to blow, and Gopher pops out from his hole in the ground to exclaim:

"It's Windsday!"

The trees and surroundings start to sway (large fans are also installed in this scene to give guests the 4D wind effect, and your Honey pots vehicles spin around as the wind gets stronger. On the left you see Kanga holding onto Roo with a blanket as Roo laughs at the fun.

You also see Eeyores "gloomy place" made of sticks fall down in the wind as Eeyore sighs

"I guess I'll have to start over again"

As the scene concludes you hear commotion coming from under the tree Pooh is stuck in as the wind almost knocking Pooh out of the Honey tree as Tigger bounces into the frame.

Scene 3
"Don't worry old buddy old pal, I'll catch ya...come on folks, bounce with me" Tigger cheers as The Wonderful Thing about Tiggers song begins to play. Your vehicles move up and down along with Tigger as he bounces up and catches Pooh as he falls from the tree and the bees swarm out popping Pooh's blue balloon and heading back into their tree.

As soon as they reach the ground, the clouds get dark and rain begins to fall.

Scene 4
Eeyore pouts "First the the rain" as a flood begins to form and the characters use umbrellas to travel along the river of rainwater and the "Rain Rain Rain came down down down" song plays in the background

Tigger proclaims "Don't worry Pooh at least in this weather your honey is safe from those Heffalumps and Woozles."

Pooh "You mean elephants and Weasels? Uhh what do they do?"

Tigger "Oh nothing much, just steal honey"

Pooh "Steal honey?!"

Scene 5
As the rain stops and your vehicles transition into the new scene you see Pooh asleep in his nightgown and hat as the name Heffalumps and Woozles play again and again in his mind. You see a projection of Pooh fly off and tumble into a dream state as you go into the next scene

Scene 6
The Heffalumps and Woozles theme plays as you rotate around large audio animatronic luminescent characters in a larger than life dream sequence. The wide track allows your Honey pot vehicle to rotate in all facets and directions as you careen from one character to another. In the final scene you see the Heffalump and Woozle sitting with a giant jar of honey as you hear Piglet, Tigger, and other characters start to say in faint voices "Pooh" "Pooh bear" as you transition to the next scene

Scene 7
Pooh wakes up the next day and finds Christopher Robin and all of his friends gathered around a picnic table with several jars of honey and other food items for lunch.

"The wind knocked all the honey out of the honey tree, Pooh!" Tigger explains. "Here come celebrate with us"

The Winnie the Pooh melody begins again and the final scene of the ride is Pooh's head facing the ride vehicles surrounded in honey and smiling "Today's a good day" as the last page of the large storybook canvases reads "The End"​

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