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On the outskirts of Cartoons and Cereal, journey to the middle of Nowhere for a terrifying and creepy Halloween walk-through attraction from the September - October fall season. Approaching Courage's house on the outskirts for the walk-through, you pass the Magic Tree of Nowhere, a bizarre creature from the first season of the show, who grows from a seed that Courage plants in their backyard. Like the tombstones in the Haunted Mansion, the Magic Tree of Nowhere comes alive, with the weird combination of animation and video of a human mouth below it. While not evil persay, the tree warns the guests of the dangers that lie ahead in the house. 



Walking up to the porch, guests walk past an animatroinic of the Clutching Foot. In the cartoonish mafia style voice, the Big Toe tells everyone that "he's going to get you, see" freaking the guests out as they walk inside the house. Courage's house looks exactly like it does on the show. The first room that can be walked through is the living room, with a TV playing a loop of the King of Flan, hypnotizing the guests into eating Flan. On the couch sits Freaky Fred, Muriel's nephew, starring at the guests. It's a live-action actor dressed as the character, and once the guests begin to walk into the kitchen, Fred stands up and chases you with his razor, as his creepy theme music plays, because the guests have been "naughty."



In the kitchen sits Jeeves Weevil, a blood sucking mosquito, and Katz, a villainous cat out for revenge on courage. Both in costume form of a live-action actor, each talk with the guests as they rotate around to the basement. Katz tells the guests that they should come stay at his new motel, the Katz motel, and Jeeves Weevil sticks out his tongue to try and suck the blood out of the guests. Both villains interact with the guests in very sly ways. The basement has two more villains, the Cruel Veterinarian and Schwick

Cruel Veternarian played in live actor tries to send the guests to the moon in his spaceship. After escaping him, Schwick, a giant cockroach, who lures you further into the basement, but only to find chains on the walls among other scary items. In the basement, three doors open. The first two are screens of films, one of a dragon and one of a shark. But the final door is a small child playing the violin with her back turned. She turns around and the most horrifying claymation head is shown, freaking the guests out. In the transition to the Eustace's bedroom and out of the basement, the Spirit of the Harvest Moon which is a projection, scares you by forcing you to grow something by the end of the tour. 

The final two appearances of villains are the Mattress Villain, where guests walk past a demented Muriel sitting in the bed played by a character actress, who jumps out and scares the guests. Approaching the window, guests hear "return the slab, or suffer my curse" sounds of King Ramses. On the wall is King Ramses's Slab, recovered by Eustace. Exiting the house, loud music blasts from a phonograph and guests can hear a swarm of hungry locusts outside ready to eat the house. The guests exit the house just in time before the wrath of King Ramses's curse.If the Halloween walk-through is successful with guests, it may become a permanent fixture in the land.

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